Powerful Daily Green Habits I Adopted for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle – Series 3

Welcome to series 3 of my daily green habits blog posts! This is the continuation of the earlier blog post where I have explained the starting point of my life journey. How and what triggered the change in my life and if you might have the similar situation at your home too, its just that you have not seen it from sustainability angle till now. Just changing the point of view might be enough to trigger the change.

In this entire series, I am sharing actionable items that are simple yet doable to form powerful daily green habits and even suitable for beginners. I am trying to follow these in my daily routine hence I gave them the name as Daily Green Habits. None of these changes are done over night, it took some effort and time to make them a habit and implement in daily life. Each and every change has been very useful in reducing my daily plastic waste, greatly contributing to the powerful daily green habits and helping me to live a sustainable eco-friendly life.

You can pick any change and stick with it for a while until it becomes a daily habit and then adopt a new one. My request to all the readers is please don’t start all the changes together, it becomes overwhelming, and generally, people tend to give up as it gets exhausting. But making one small change daily is much more doable and it will not impact your daily life which you are already used to.

Incorporating even one small change into your daily routine can have a profound impact over time. When practiced consistently, this single green habit can gradually reshape your lifestyle, leading to more sustainable and environmentally conscious living. These daily actions, though they may seem minor at first, build momentum and create a ripple effect, transforming the way you approach your relationship with the environment. Over time, these green habits become second nature, making it easier to embrace and adopt more eco-friendly practices that benefit both you and the planet.

Read all the posts check out all the small changes that I have made and pick whichever is most convenient to you based on your lifestyle.

Daily Green Habits – 3rd Change I made for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Green Habits – Disposable to Reusable – A simple change to reduce waste

Replace disposable lunch boxes with reusable long lasting ones

During my school days, I have always seen my parents or grandparents carrying their lunch and water in a stainless-steel lunch box and a stainless steel or copper water bottle in a cloth bag. I know this is a bit over the top and may not be acceptable to us and our younger generation.

But when I became a little older there were so many attractive plastic bags available that as a kid there was a kind of competition in the school that who would bring the prettiest bag. The shelf life of these bags was hardly a week and after that, they will be just disposed of. This went on for years. Without realizing it I would have used thousands of plastic bags just in my school life itself.

I remember doing the same thing with my elder one when he started school but a few years back when I started my sustainable lifestyle, I stopped this practice which was generating huge amounts of plastic waste, and got lunch bags for them which will last at least a few years.

I have written multiple posts about quite a few of kids lunch boxes and also for the lunch boxes ideal for grownups. You can check out below posts for details.

5 Cool Picks for Kids Insulated Lunch Boxes: Keep Lunchtime Fun and Fresh!4 Insulated Lunch Boxes That Will Transform Your Lunch Break

Nowadays there are so many options available in the market that you surely don’t need to pack lunch in disposable plastic wraps or lunch boxes.

My personal favorite for kids is Omie Lunch Box. My younger one has been using it from the time she started playschool and my older one used it till he completed his primary school.

You can check out all the cool features about it in this post.

Daily Green Habits - Replace disposable lunchboxes with reusable ones
Daily Green Habits: Replace disposable lunch boxes with reusable long lasting ones

My favorite to pack mine and my partner’s lunch box is based on what we are taking. If we are simply taking a wrap or sandwich with some fruit, I just use my all time favorite Yeti Lunch Bags. I have almost all different shapes and sized from Yeti. Based on the quantity of food I am taking I take my pic from my awesome collection (by the way if my partner ever got to see my collection of Yeti, He is going to start pulling his hair…. Now you can imagine my collection). I have even got a limited edition pink Yeti Lunch bag.

Daily Green Habits
Daily Green Habits: Replace disposable lunch boxes with reusable long lasting ones

Main reasons I love Yeti Lunch Bags are not just its style, its also very functional. It has a hard cover which protects my food from getting squashed and also inside surface can be just wiped clean with any wet cloth or tissue. This makes my life very quite easy. I do love to carry my healthy vegetable curries with some freshly baked buns or rolls to my office, so I did had some small leakage and my Yeti Lunch bag has never leaked till now. But please note that my accidents had been pretty small in nature and I am very comfortable in using my Yeti lunch bag from past several years.

Daily Green Habits – My favorite Yeti Lunch bag (The day I bought it)

If you like to have hot food like me, you might want to check out my post “4 Insulated Lunch Boxes That Will Transform Your Lunch Break.

With such lovely options available now days, I think the days of carrying food in disposable boxes or plastic wraps are surely gone.

Replace disposable plastic wraps or Sandwich bags with Reusable Beeswax Wraps

“Bee’s Wrap Reusable Beeswax Food Wraps” are easily available and are completely biodegradable. These are good for the environment and good for health too.

I have been buying Bee’s wrap for my home usage and packing all our lunch boxes from Amazon for the past few years and have been very happy with the quality. I like its quality mainly for some noticeable features.

  • These wraps are eco-friendly and reusable, hence helping in reducing the single-use plastic wrap from my kitchen. These beeswax food wraps keep my food fresh without plastics, unlike traditional food storage containers or single-use sandwich bags.
  • These are made in the USA, hence helping the economy. I know this sounds cliché but I do it as it feels right. These contain organic cotton, beeswax, organic plant oil, and tree resin – free from toxins and unnecessary chemicals.
Daily green Habits – Bee’s Wrap
  • I just love the various sizes available as it fits almost all my needs. I have even used their largest size (13″ x 14”) to cover a half-cut watermelon.  I use the medium size (10″ x 11″) to cover my bowls which are a daily affair in the house. I regularly use the smallest size (7″ x 8″) to wrap all the sandwiches for our lunches and they remain fresh till lunchtime.
Daily Green Habits – Beauty of Bee’s Wrap used on Leftover Food
  • The best feature of these wraps is their ability to take any shape based on my food container. The wrap will maintain its shape when it cools, creating a secure seal and keeping food fresh. To clean, hand wash the beeswax wrap with cool water and mild soap, then air dry.
  • I have had a single wrap for almost a quarter and after its life was over, I used it as a fire starter at BBQ. This makes it a truly eco-friendly food storage solution.
Daily Green Habits – Bee’s Wrap
  • Another excellent feature of this product is the packaging, it’s also eco-friendly and comes without any plastic.
  • I have given this product as a gift on various occasions whenever by budget allowed it.

If you are yet to check out the earlier posts, pls have a look.

Powerful Daily Green Habits I Adopted for a Eco-Friendly Lifestyle – Series 2Powerful Daily Green Habits I Adopted for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle – Series 4
Daily Green Habits – My Eco-friendly habits for a Greener Environment

Instilling environmentally friendly green habits is something I’m deeply committed to, and I take pride in knowing that I’m passing these values on to my kids. It’s not just about teaching them to care for the planet today—it’s about setting a foundation that they can build on and carry forward. I believe that by practicing these green habits consistently, I’m helping shape a mindset that will naturally be passed down to future generations. It’s my hope that these small but meaningful actions will inspire my children, and eventually their children, to prioritize sustainability and protect the environment long after I’m gone.

You don’t have to change all the habits and creak a havoc in your life, you can pick any one item whichever resonate most with you and stick with it. If you want to do something else but don’t have any idea, just look at your trash and identify the item which is producing most amount of trash. Just think of ways of replacing that and you are on your way to sustainable lifestyle.

I only write about the things which I have personally tried and have used it for a while. All my posts are written based on my personal experiences only. All these things I am practicing as part of my green habits from quite some time. Some have taken years to become a part of my daily life but I believe If we are consistent in doing anything, it becomes easy and becomes a habit.

I am still writing my other green habits in next series, please do check it out.


I always feel more comfortable reading any post if I get answers to the most frequently asked questions also on the same page. That’s the reason I try my best to answer as many questions as possible in my posts. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions I found on Google, pls read on.

  • How can I go green everyday?
    • Go Green: 10 Tips for a More Sustainable Lifestyle
      • Avoid Single-Use Plastics.
      • Recycle.
      • Reduce Food Waste.
      • Pay Attention to What You Eat.
      • Conserve Energy in Your Home.
      • Conserve Water.
      • Offset Your Carbon Emissions.
      • Invest in Sustainable Cleaning and Beauty Products.
  • What are examples of green practices?
    • These green practices include:
      • Sustainable Purchasing.
      • Waste Diversion.
      • Pollution Prevention.
  • What are green behaviors?
    • Pro-environmental—or green—behavior has been defined as “behavior that harms the environment as little as possible, or even benefits the environment”
  • What is an example of a green lifestyle?
    • A green lifestyle involves making conscious choices to reduce one’s impact on the environment by adopting environmentally friendly practices. These practices include reducing energy consumption, conserving water, minimizing waste, using renewable energy sources, and using sustainable modes of transportation.
  • What are 4 examples of green energy?
    • Within the U.S. voluntary market, green power is defined as electricity produced from solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, eligible biomass, and low-impact small hydroelectric sources.
  • What are examples of green time?
    • Green time activities can include anything from hiking, gardening, and playing in parks, to simply walking through green spaces. These activities encourage physical movement and interaction with nature.
  • What are green manners?
    • Green manures are crops grown within a rotation for the purposes of: building soil organic matter and soil structure. supplying nitrogen and other nutrients for a following crop. preventing leaching of soluble nutrients from the soil. providing ground cover to prevent damage to soil structure.
  • What is the green mindset?
    • Youth with a Green Mindset are aware of the world’s most challenging environmental problems, including climate change, their personal impact, and they are motivated to take action to find solutions in their personal, professional, and civic lives.
  • What are eco-friendly behaviors?
    • Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
    • We can do this by only buying what we need, avoiding single-use products, and opting for products with minimal packaging. Reusing items is a great way to cut down on waste and save money. Before throwing something away, we should ask ourselves if it could be used for another purpose.
  • What are green actions?
    • “Green Actions” are how we can all shrink our environmental footprint, the more sustainable ways that we can live our daily lives – the steps we can take to lessen our impact on climate change. Green Actions vary in cost, ease of implementation, and degree of impact on greenhouse gas emissions or sustainable systems.
  • What are daily greens for?
    • Greens powder is a dietary supplement that has become a popular way to help people reach their daily recommended intake of vitamins and minerals. The nutrient combination in greens powder is formulated to support your body’s immune system and energy levels while meeting the nutrition requirements for a healthy diet.
  • How to go green at home?
    • Just read my above blog posts series and you will get actionable items which you can adopt without much effort.
  • What are the benefits of daily green?
    • Support brain health: The nutrients in leafy greens may help improve memory and protect against age-related cognitive decline and dementia. Strengthen bones: Calcium and vitamin K work together to build strong bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, especially as we age.

You can read our other posts here.


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